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Part of the strategy for reducing the impacts of impervious surfaces and educating various sectors of municipal and county government in the Troy Brook watershed included developing a program that utilized a case study of stormwater management at Department of Public Works (DPW) yards. The Parsippany-Troy Hills DPW facility in Morris County is approximately 3 acres and 2.1 of those acres is impervious surface. Through the installation of stormwater Best Management Practices the DPW achieves a theoretical complete stormwater disconnection during the 1.25-inch rainfall event in two hours (the New Jersey water quality design storm).
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPS) Brochures
- Harvesting Cisterns at the DPW (1.3MB PDF)
- Permeable Grass Pavers at the DPW (2.6MB PDF)
- Rain Gardens at the DPW (1.5MB PDF)
- Vegetated Swale at the DPW (3.7MB PDF)