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4-H is proud to take part in the annual Morristown St. Patrick’s Day Parade. This is one of the largest parades in NJ and attracts more than 70,000 spectators. 4-H clubs and members are encouraged to march in the parade behind the official 4-H float.
Clubs are encouraged to bring their club’s banners for members to carry. Members should wear 4-H gear and anything green. Project animals may participate in the parade, too! (Just make sure they can handle a long day in a stressful environment.)
What Should I Know?
- Parade start – Morristown Town Hall, 200 South Street
- Parade begins promptly at noon and ends at 2:00 pm
- Parade marchers must arrive at starting location between 10:30-11 a.m.
- 4-H will be located in (TBD)
- Recommended parking – Morristown High School (end of parade route)
- Rain or shine, the parade will be on. Dress appropriately.
- View a diagram of the parade line up (22k PDF).
- View the parade route (483k PDF).
- Frequently Asked Questions.
For weather updates and other parade information visit