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To get the most accurate diagnosis there are a few simple questions you should to be prepared to answer before you call:

Plant Problems
- What is the reason you need a diagnosis?
- If known, what is name of plant; if not known what type (tree, shrub, perennial)?
- Does the plant produce flowers or fruit?
- Where is the plant located? Is the location sunny or shady, wet or dry?
- How long has the plant been in its current location?
- What chemicals or fertilizers have been used? Is mulch used?
- Inspect entire plant for symptoms. Problems can be more complex then they first appear.
- When did symptoms first appear?

Insect Pests
- Are pests just a nuisance or are they causing harm to people or property?
- Where is highest concentration of pests?
- When did the pest first appear?
- Describe the pest (size, wings, number of legs, color, etc.)