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Under the leadership of Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Rutgers Master Gardeners of Morris County provide assistance with home gardening questions to residents of Morris County.
Rutgers Master Gardener volunteers are trained to diagnose common plant and pest problems, suggest appropriate cultural practices and advise as to the best care for the home landscape and garden.
Residents phone in their questions by calling 973-285-8305.
Helpline hours of operation (April thru October) are:
Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
November thru March voicemails and emails are addressed weekly.
Have a Lawn or Garden Question?
Call the Rutgers Master Gardener Helpline:
Send U.S. Mail to: Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Morris County, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963-0900
Send packages (UPS, Fed Ex, etc.) to: RCE of Morris County, West Hanover Ave., Bldg 550, Morris Township, NJ 07960.
Bring plant and soil samples directly to the Morris County Offices at County Building 550 West Hanover Avenue, Morristown, NJ.
Rutgers Master Gardeners reach out to the community at various events, county fairs and are available to speak to community groups.
Speakers Bureau
The Rutgers Master Gardeners of Morris County Speakers Bureau provides educational presentations on gardening and landscaping to local community groups.

Here are available Speakers Bureau Topics
- A Year of Blooming Bulbs
- ABC’s of Lawn Renovation
- All About Hydrangeas
- Avoiding Garden Bloopers
- Black Gold for Your Garden / Composting
- Creating a Cottage Style Garden
- Deer Management in Forests & Backyards
- Fall Gardening
- Fall Into Winter Gardening
- Fight Invasives, Go Native
- Great Estates to Public Gardens
- Gardening in the Shade
- Gardening with Ornamental Grasses
- Gardening with Perennials
- Glorious Ground Covers
- Grow & Preserve Culinary Herbs
- Growing Iris
- Happy Healthy Houseplants
- How to cure an Ugly Yard
- Nurture Nature with Native Plants
- Paradise Gardens for Pollinators & Wildlife
- Pruning or Ruining
- Raised Bed Gardening Basics
- Secrets of Orchids
- Spring Gardening
- Starting Seeds Indoors
- Vegetable gardening Planning for Community Gardening
- What’s Eating my Vegetables & Plants
If you are interested in having a Rutgers Master Gardener speak at an event please contact our office at 973-285-8307. or